Friday 16 April 2010

Days of the Week (Nama-nama Hari)

Minggu = Sunday
Senin = Monday
Selasa = Tuesday
Rabu = Wednesday
Kamis = Thursday
Jumat = Friday
Sabtu = Saturday

Monday (Senin) is regarded as the start of the week. Friday (Jumat) is the Muslim holy day when men go to a longer prayer session at a mosque (masjid) and work stops during this period. Productivity is naturally a little slower on a Friday as it is seen as a day to wind down into the weekend. Interestingly, because of school and work continuing into Saturday, a lot of Indonesians think of Sunday as being 'the weekend', and will often refer to the weekend as a single day.
Due to six different religions being officially 'tolerated', there are quite a few religious holidays in the calendar. This means that there are a lot of days off because some deity did something or other. Not always necessary to know exactly what, but certain days do affect the social fabric. Nyepi in Bali requires everyone to stay in and be silent. Some Muslim holidays are marked by the early closure or non-opening of bars and clubs (Idul Fitri, Idul Adha).

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