Friday 16 April 2010

Numbers (Nomor/Angka)

Satu = 1
Dua = 2
Tiga = 3
Empat = 4
Lima = 5
Enam = 6
Tujuh = 7
(De)Lapan = 8
Sembilan = 9
Sepuluh = 10
Sebelas = 11
Dua belas = 12
Tiga belas = 13
Dua puluh = 20
Tiga puluh = 30
Empat puluh = 40
Seratus = 100
Seratus satu = 101
Dua ratus = 200
Seribu = 1,000
Dua ribu = 2,000
Sepuluh ribu = 10,000
Sebalas ribu = 11,000
Seratus ribu = 100,000
Satu juta = 1,000,000
Satu milyar = 1,000,000,000

You may have noticed the (De)lapan for 8 above. This just denotes the fact that Indonesian is a language that is constantly being shortened, particularly so in Jakarta. 'Lapan will almost always be said by people in Indonesia, because that pesky first syllable takes so much time. One of the best ways to study the bigger numbers is to read your bank notes. As the denominations are so huge it is necessary to get used to big numbers fast. Also, beware that at the time of writing, 10,000 Rp notes and 100,000 Rp notes are remarkably similar in their colours. Especially for the colour blind, as they are red.
Also let it be known that Indonesians use the comma and full-stop (period) denotations of numbers in a different way from us weirdo pale-skins/darker skins. One million rupiah is represented as 1.000.000 while 1,0000001 is 1.0000001 back in Kansas.

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